“There is an increasing desire for more reaction data points, cost savings in terms of material usage, a reduction in physical laboratory space requirements and miniaturization in general these days for Biosensors”
A New Pico-Litre Fluid Dispensing Technology for New Possibilities
Recently a new fluid handling instrument has been made available which is capable of dispensing pico-litre and low volume nano-litre volumes of fluid with high precision and accuracy. The PolyPico technology is not novel in being
able to dispense pico-litre and nano-litre volumes of fluids, however it is novel in being able to do so by using disposable plastic cartridges. The advantages of such include being able to avoid the potential crosscontamination
risks and the washing process associated with other pico-litre dispensing technologies.
Furthermore, the new technology can dispense fluids with viscosities much higher than many of the predecessor technologies can. Is this significant? It is if you want a more compact biosensor, which use less material or if the current tools available will not dispense your reagents in the ultra-low volumes you require. If you want to explore the new possibilities which working at lower volumes offers without the expense of potentially clogging expensive non-disposable dispensing devices such as glass based piezoelectric dispensing systems, then inexpensive disposable cartridges are a welcome alternative. Biosensor research and development can be challenging at the best of times, with many unknowns from the onset and many constraints imposed by the materials and processes involved. Having a more adaptable and flexible means of handling ultra-low volumes of fluid helps to accelerate progress and ultimately success in the miniaturization of biosensors and assays in general.
A New Pico-Litre Fluid Dispensing Technology for New Possibilities
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